Saturday, July 27, 2013


So. I've acquired a new gizmogadget.... Well, a Chromebook to be exact. I've been fussin' about writing. And my dear husband finally dragged me to the Google counter in Best Buy for a gander at this new little puppy. I've been enamored most of the afternoon. Well, after that first glitch of "something is wrong with this" message that popped up. I fixed it. And then I lost the screen completely. Fixed that too. So now I've already finished the first three pages of the next great american novel. Or something like that. We'll see. At any rate, I think my husband made me get the gizmo just so it will keep me quiet and out of his hair. How do I download solitaire on this thing???


You've all met Sir Poopalot here in the pages of my blog. Our little blue budgie slash parakeet has his endearing qualities. Like the complete and utter inability to fly. And stay on his perch. He falls quite noisily and creates a ruckus. Well, the neighbors across the way have a cockathingamagiggee kind of bird. I don't know his official name, but "Squawker" will do for now. He gets to sit outside on the porch during this warm weather. I think the two fine feathered friends talk to each other. All day. I'm not quite sure what they are communicating to one another, but they are definitely singing off of the same page in their little birdie hymnal. It's enough to drive the cat crazy.

Wednesday, July 24, 2013


Remember the movie "Flatliners?" A 'younger' Keifer Sutherland leads a team of medical students who clamor for the opportunity to bring themselves as close to death as anyone can get... and get jolted back to life at the last possible moment.... well, things get screwy... oh, watch the movie. Monterey weather is kind of like that. While the rest of the continent is basking in heat in the triple digits, Monterey's weather app on my Android phone has hit a very mundane, rather boring 66 degrees. With only a variation of about 10 degrees in any given 12 hour stretch, the weather has quite simply flatlined. What we need is a good Defib machine to perk us back up. It's all anyone talks about. "What's up with this weather?" is the question that starts most conversations. Foggy in the morning, bleh in the afternoon, slightly cooler in the evening. There is no mystery in getting dressed every morning. I don't have to switch out my wardrobe. The same sweater I wore last Sunday works just as well today. I suppose the good news is that I don't have to get a pedicure and show off my toes. And I definitely don't need to work on my tan. No one is going to see my legs. Or my arms for that matter. Makes going to the gym sort of a moot point don't you think? You can always tell the tourists too. They are the ones thinking they are taking a delightful summer vacay in a quaint, historic California beach town. Expecting the quintessential beach weather. Wearing their cargo shorts, black sandals with white socks because their feet are cold, and a tank top with a parka thrown in for warmth. They walk around, looking rather dejected and disappointed that they cannot frolic in the surf. Oh, they could if they can stand the frigid temps of our bay... and all that seaweed that tells you its healthy... but they didn't come here for the polar bear experience. But, there is hope. My weather app says that it is suppose to top out at 72 degrees next week. Break out the ice cubes and get out the fans. Unfortunately, Monterey weather is fickle. Promises of a heat wave (anything over 70 for more than 2 days is considered a "wave") usually dissipate and settle back down into the same ol' same. Flatlined weather.