Thursday, December 1, 2011


Okay okay. You know the old line, "you can't change anyone else but yourself..." Well - I discovered that you CAN actually.... but the change comes when you change yourself FIRST.

See, here is how it works. This-person-in-my-life-who-shall-remain-nameless is a real piece of work. Bitchy, snappy, yells for no reason, plays the blame game, treats people (and by people, I mean ME) like I am the stupidest cow to walk the face of the earth... she is impatient, unkind, a class-A snob, and frankly, just plain mean.

How in the name of all the is holy am I going to "change" that behavior?

Ahhh... my young friends... by changing how I REACT to her behavior. Yup. When I put my head down and let her bully me - yes, I said bully... she just goes in for the easy kill.

So today, I stood up. I held my head up. I didn't take her rantings and ravings personally. I let her have her say and then defended myself in a calm, cool, collected, and kind manner. I didn't mirror HER behavior. Nope. Nosirreee. I showed her that I was not afraid of her.

She left me alone for the rest of the day.

I really need to do that more often.

Having her in my life is not torture... rather it is my "experiement" into human nature.

She'll start her period tomorrow and everything will be just rosy again.

But if it isn't? I'm going to change me. When I change, others are moved into a different position... and they are going to have to lead, follow, or get the hell out of the way. Because there is NO way we are staying HERE in this mess!!

Ain't life grand?